First, Hemp is a plant that is grown for a wide variety of uses, including apparel, ropes, and other fiber-made materials, and personal care/beauty products among others. It is part of the cannabis sativa family of plants, but it contains 0.3% or less of THC, the psychoactive compound that produces a “high”, whereas marijuana is bred for high levels of THC.
Second, because Hemp-derived CBD contains less than 0.3% THC, it does not give you a high, and is drug-free – the biggest differentiator from marijuana.
Third, CBD interacts naturally with receptors in the body, called endocannabinoids, that control regulatory, and other critical functions. CBD Daily is restricted on what claims we can make about the benefits of CBD’s, which is why we encourage you to research this ingredient for yourself. Ask your phone or ask your health care practitioner to get more insights on CBD, how it works, and what it can do for you.
Respect Doubters
Not everyone is open to trying CBD. If after sharing your information, your “audience” is not receptive, because they don’t recognise the fine line between hemp and marijuana even after you clarify it for them, respect their decision. There are many others who will be open and in fact, many who are already using CBD products in their daily lives.
Prepare for a Yes
If you talk to your family about CBD while these family members are already interested in trying it for themselves, the next logical step is to find a product and plan tailored to them. CBD Daily and its sister brand Fleurtiva, a line of hemp-derived CBD tinctures, have a wide range of both topical and ingestible products to cater to every need.
Once you experience the benefits of hemp, it’s only natural that you would be eager to talk to your family about CBD. However, due to confusion between hemp-derived CBD and marijuana, it can be a delicate topic to broach.
One of the best ways is to share your experience with others – tell the story of what CBD has done for you, and you may convince them to experience it for themselves. Here’s some additional tips to help you and other CBD advocates rally support for CBD, and dispel any remaining myths.
Get Accurate Information
Since CBD is still a fairly new phenomenon, expect a lot of questions.
To avoid becoming stuck, we suggest going over the basics with a reputable online source, confirming accurate knowledge. CBD Daily attempts to educate website visitors on the distinct difference between CBD and THC – and the difference between hemp-derived CBD and marijuana. CBD Daily also shares how to use their products through video tutorials.
Be Prepared for Questions
A few of the most asked questions are: What is hemp? Will I get high? How does it work? Be prepared, read up online, and you too can be an expert on this “hot” ingredient. In the meantime, here is some information that might be helpful to you in explaining CBD to others.